
Ideological Clash In federal structure Is Imperative

Growing intense political, ideological and religious riots in West Bengal, gives us glimpse that even at the era of 21st century with modern, technical and intellectual education peoples from different sections, society and tradition indulge in cheap politics of communalism, regionalism and hatred.

Bengal has both historical as well as geographical importance. Since it is situated in coastal areas and it is one of the well developed and flourished city during British Raj and flourished state after independence. It also has a very patriotic history and contribution to the National Movement. It had great leaders like Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar, Dezoria and Rabindra Nath Tagore had played a very important role during India's national struggle and made a valuable contribution in India's freedom and give up their entire life for the people of India, for its unity, integrity and fraternity.

   The condition of Bengal at present time deteriorating by immoral and dangerous, inhuman and unlawful activities of suspicious peoples. The growing tension over political ideology, harming and even killing peoples because they belong to a different section, community and religion or following and supporting a political party of their own choice. The current scenario has shown us that politics are becoming more superior and stronger, even from a person's right to live in a peaceful, unarmed and protective environment.
  The political killings are increasing in both UP & Bengal, curbing peoples right to choose and right to be a part of political parties of their own choice.

 Recently there were two activities that once again bring Bengal into limelight first, the protest of doctors against the government because of lack of security and infrastructure. Second, as Bengal chief minister strictly mentioned that peoples those are living and surviving their lives in Bengal, they should speak in Bengali. These activities show us how a government is imposing a language to the concerned citizen of a particular state, even the constitution of India given us free choice to speak and practice a language which common person want.

We have never seen such cheap, poor and tasteless politics in earlier days, the politics of India now at the very lowest position since Independence such hatred, crime and violence had never seen in earlier democracy. Is power is such important position that politician had to forget every core values that Mahatma Gandhi had given to the country," politics is only for the welfare of poor, needy and upliftment of deprived sections", for alleviating poverty and illiteracy.
 Earlier politics was based on peace, progress and prosperity, but recent day's politics is based on hatred, crime and violence by influenced and communal leaders.

  As I have pointed out above that Bengal had such great and the patriotic leader like Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar and the young leader like Derozia and the intellectual leader like Rabindra Nath Tagore should be seen as the inspiration for India, Bengal should also derive inspiration from these leaders and move towards the path of peace, progress and happiness for the wellbeing of people of Bengal and  India.

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