Women constitute approx the half population of United States, share equitable works almost every field, sector and area, giving their best to achieve respectable stature and consistently working hard with diligently and conscientiously to maintain that position.
Women radically transformed themselves and took jobs in areas which were earlier considered male-dominated and specified only for male members. Their skills, competency and compassion led them to strive success in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), scientific activities and leading business organization.
The field they still lag behind their male counterparts even in the 21st century is electoral politics. It usually mentioned by political analysts and stalwarts that they lack political skill and statecraft naturally. The reasoning behind mentioned that from childhood they taught to be submissive, passive and caregivers.
Few also perceived that they should perform their traditional tasks such as doing household chores, taking care of family and maintaining a healthy and romantic and exciting environment in the house. Maintaining the beauty and body structure is became a fashion in today's world which is embracing almost every women.....
Aforementioned reasons could apply to those women who consider politics a sin subject of men and themselves didn't want to involve or take part in political procession and activities. (Women who want to be the part of political activities they should get fair chance to elect and to show their strength and intent behind politics.)
But one thing is clear whether women are interested or not they have to be very cautious and alert regarding the political atmosphere around them. It might be for women who think that by not engaging themselves directly to politics she could escape from the political problem or heated debates or slurries remarks. Keep one thing in mind that politics have unprecedented magnitude and momentum of impact on us indirectly also like the ruler whom you might elect could curb your civil liberties such as freedom of expression, right to protests. and dissents freedom of free and fair trial could be curtailed of your ignorance towards politics.
So being ignorant of political activities could hurt your basic freedom and give chance to undeserving people to become our ruler.
We are discussing women's underrepresentation in the US Congress. In the US considering women to induct in politics seen as unremarkable and untrustworthy. Several arguments have been given from time to time like women have less chance of winning, no sponsor come forward to make them financially strong and because of their pregnancy, motherhood, sexual assault and animated political advertising could be some of the well-known reasons and arguments float around them.
But reports from various organizations revealed that the lack of representation of women in the US Congress is structural.
In the US women have no Constitutional provision for gender quota or statute for candidates and officeholders. There is very less chance for women to get inducted in the US Congress. Women have been most likely to enter congress after winning open seat contests or if the male member died while serving Congress then his widow gets a chance to serve in his place.
Under the two-party system namely Democratic and Republican, the former has the reputation of having more women to various places from party workers to serving Congress. Democrats being liberal, compassionate and having broader mindset towards social and gender issue given fair chance to women one can rely on looking at the candidacy of 2016 election when Hillary Clinton was the candidate from Democrat's side.
The Republican Party has always sought and promoted to increase the racial and gender diversity of its candidates, that strategy seems to no-hopper and non- starter in an environment in which Trump, as a Party leader, routinely denigrate, trivialize and ridicule women and minorities and particularly women of colour.
To avail more women in the US Congress both parties have to impartially offer more tickets to women candidates and manifest in respective manifestos that calibrated discussion and policy should be adopted so that more women would get elected and maintain the gender equality in politics too.........
Not only women but sexual minorities such as LGBTQI should also get a fair opportunity to represent their grievances and suffering.........
Save Girl For Nation
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